Side Effects of Spine Surgery : Surgery is required only when the spinal problem is serious. This surgery also provides a lot of relief. This also cures the patient’s problem quickly. However, many people are afraid of getting spine surgery. There are many reasons for this.
Mostly in any disease, the patient wants to avoid operation i.e. surgery. He looks for treatment options. In such a situation, it is natural to be afraid of spine surgery. Know what can be the disadvantages of spine surgery.
Is surgery the only solution for spine problems?
Most patients with spinal problems are cured with medicines and physiotherapy, but there are some patients who do not get any benefit from this. Due to this, surgery is the only option left. However, it is not guaranteed whether the patient’s problem will be completely cured after surgery or not.
Is spine surgery beneficial?
According to health experts, today many technologies and methods have come up for treatment. Options like MRI are available to better understand spinal problems. With the advent of new medical equipment like minimally invasive surgery or microscope, surgery has become much safer and effective.
Can the problem recur after spine surgery?
Even after surgery, patients worry that their problem may reappear. Regarding this, health experts say that most patients who undergo surgery want to recover completely after it. We all know that the spine is a very active part of the body. It also works for the flexibility of the back and neck.
Problems caused by body weight and increasing age can also increase spine problems again. These problems can also occur in people doing heavy work. In such a situation, it is important to follow the instructions given by the doctor properly after surgery, so that the problem does not occur again.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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