Blood Supply in Brain : The controlling system of our body is the brain. If blood is not reaching it properly or it stops, then oxygen will also not reach, which can be fatal. There is a high risk of brain stroke due to lack of blood reaching the brain. Due to stoppage of blood circulation, the brain cells stop working. Many types of problems start occurring in the body.
There are not one but many reasons behind poor blood circulation in the brain. These include high cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, obesity or blood clots due to poor lifestyle and eating habits. Let’s know what will happen if blood supply to the brain stops…
How dangerous is it to stop blood supply to the brain
If for some reason the blood supply to the brain stops, a brain stroke can occur. This can cause the blood vessels to burst. When this happens, the brain cells will lack oxygen and nutrients and within a few minutes the brain cells start dying. This will damage some part of the brain, which can cause paralysis, brain death, numbness of the organ or death. Sometimes this can also cause a person to go into a coma.
Symptoms of poor blood circulation in the brain
1. Memory gets affected when blood circulation in the brain gets poor. This can cause forgetfulness. One is also unable to focus on anything.
2. Problems like dizziness can occur due to poor blood circulation in the brain.
3. If the blood supply to the brain is not proper then there can be a problem of severe headache.
4. Loss of appetite also indicates that the brain is not being supplied with proper blood.
5. Feeling too tired is also considered a sign of poor blood circulation in the brain.
6. If the blood circulation in the brain is poor, the hands and feet may become numb.
7. Difficulty swallowing food
8. Stuttering while speaking
9. Confusion in the mind
10. Decreasing eyesight
Ways to increase blood circulation in the brain
1. Do meditation
2. Do breathing exercises
3. Quit smoking
4. Exercise daily
5. Take a walk
6. Maintain a healthy diet
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