‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ actor Mohsin Khan revealed about his health a few days ago. After which his fans are very worried. Mohsin told that he had a minor heart attack last year. The 32-year-old actor revealed that last year he had a heart attack due to fatty liver.
While talking to ‘Pinkvilla’, he said that he had fatty liver. Due to which he had a minor heart attack last year. The actor says that initially I did not tell anyone but later it increased a lot. I was admitted in the hospital for some time. Then the treatment started. We changed 2-3 hospitals. Right now everything is under control.
The connection between fatty liver and heart disease
Mohsin Khan’s case: Fatty liver increases the risk of heart disease. Liver disease is mainly caused by drinking alcohol. But fatty liver can happen to anyone. It can happen to people with poor diet and those who do not drink alcohol. Fatty liver often occurs due to poor lifestyle and diet. Due to this, fat starts accumulating in the liver. Due to which serious heart related diseases can occur.
Fat accumulation in the liver causes problems in insulin production. This can cause inflammation in the liver and many problems in lipid metabolism. This increases the risk of many serious diseases like atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and heart disease. Of particular concern is that lifestyle habits can increase these diseases. Poor diet, lack of physical activity and lack of sleep all promote fatty liver disease. For example, lack of sleep boosts metabolism. Due to which fat starts accumulating in the liver.
Individuals should understand that by adopting a good lifestyle, improving sleeping patterns and a good diet, you can reduce the risk of many diseases. This can also prevent the risk of liver related diseases.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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