Foods to Increase Sperm Count : The sperm count of men around the world is decreasing rapidly. A report published in the Human Reproduction Update Journal states that sperm count has reduced by more than half in the last 45 years. Its maximum impact is being seen on men in India. Low sperm count in men is a matter of concern. Due to this, men can become victims of infertility.
There can be not one but many reasons for low sperm count in men. Sperm count can decrease due to reasons like food, water and air (air pollution), alcohol-cigarettes, obesity, genetics, infection in private parts. It can be so dangerous that if it is not treated on time, then one may have to regret it for the rest of his life.
There may be many ways to increase sperm count but here we are going to tell you about one such thing, which can increase the sperm count rapidly.
This thing can increase your sperm count
Experts say that garlic present in the kitchen not only enhances the taste of food, it also benefits health in many ways. Garlic can also be very helpful in increasing sperm count. Eating it increases the number of sperms and can also improve its quality.
How garlic helps in increasing sperm count
Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which helps a lot in increasing sperm count. Apart from this, selenium is found in garlic which improves sperm motility. You can chew and eat one or two cloves of garlic. Eating raw garlic is more beneficial. It can also be eaten with vegetables and other things.
To increase sperm count, consume these things also
1. Eat between chia, pumpkin and flax seeds.
2. Eat cashews, almonds, walnuts, figs.
3. Eat iron rich vegetables like spinach, broccoli, fenugreek.
4. Eggs and fatty fish
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