Till date you must have seen many strange videos going viral on social media. But recently a video is going viral on social media which will win your heart. In this video a mother is praising her son. The mother says that her son has been selected in IIT. The son prepared for the exam day and night and also got success in the exam.
The video which is rapidly going viral on social media has been shared by Physics Wala. In this video, Physics Wala’s founder Alakh Pandey himself is seen. He is sitting in the house of a student who has passed the entrance exam for IIT. In the video, Alakh Pandey is seen eating food with the student. The student’s mother is telling him how her son worked day and night to prepare for IIT. She also said that many times her son had to use the neighbor’s WiFi to study.
Mother told about her son’s hard work
The mother of the student who travelled from slum to IIT is telling Alakh Pandey that when he got tired of studying, he used to lie down sometimes. Sometimes with a book, sometimes on a chair. When the internet was out, he used to climb the roof to get someone else’s Wi-Fi. In the video, Alakh Pandey is seen eating food with the student.
Users are giving feedback
This video has been liked by more than 9 lakh people so far. Along with this, social media users are also giving their reactions. Users are praising Physics Wala founder Alakh Pandey while giving their reactions. One user wrote that he is really down to earth. Another user said that Alakh Sir has a heart of gold. Alakh Pandey i.e. Physics Wala’s YouTube channel has millions of subscribers. He has also written several books on motivation and education. He has been awarded several awards and honours for his contribution to education.
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