Shah Rukh Khan predicted to Deepika Padukone: Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone is celebrating the 11th anniversary of her film ‘Chennai Express’. On this special occasion, the actress has shared a heart touching cute behind the scenes video filled with fun, love and many emotions from the shooting of the film on Instagram. At the beginning of the video, Shahrukh Khan is seen jokingly calling his co-star Deepika “Singham 5”.
What Shahrukh Khan had said jokingly about Deepika Padukone 11 years ago is now coming true. Actually, Rohit Shetty is making ‘Singham Again’, in which Deepika will be seen in the character named Shakti Shetty.
Deepika shared the BTS video of ‘Chennai Express’
Lead actress of the film Chennai Express, Deepika Padukone has shared a video which is a BTS video of the film. In its caption, she wrote, ‘How many times should I say this dialogue? The correct answer will be given a ‘bullshit dictionary’.
Let us tell you, Deepika Padukone played the role of ‘Meenamma’ in the film Chennai Express. Meenamma was fun and different, but at the same time kind and brave. Deepika played this role brilliantly and brought it to life in her own unique style. This character was so special that it has no match in mainstream cinema. Deepika’s acting as Meenamma, her unique South Indian accent, famous dialogues and her excellent chemistry with Shahrukh Khan are famous even today.
When will ‘Singham Again’ be released?
Actors like Ajay Devgan, Deepika Padukone, Kareena Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Tiger Shroff and Ranveer Singh will be seen in Rohit Shetty’s upcoming film Singham Again. This film was earlier scheduled to release on 15th August this year but now it will release on Diwali this year, although its date is not fixed.
Also read: When Rohit Shetty sidelined his special friend Ajay Devgan for Shah Rukh Khan, this happened 11 years ago