Best time to get pregnant : Getting pregnant and becoming a mother is very special for every woman. Most women always ignore their body. They do not know when to conceive. According to the doctor, every woman should pay attention to her periods. This can help in becoming a mother at the desired time. There are some times when the chances of pregnancy are the highest.
According to a research report published in the National Library of Medicine, 85% of women in India are not aware of their ovulation period or menstrual cycle. This means that only 1 out of every 5 women knows her ovulation period correctly. Women who want to become mothers do not have the correct information about the right time to conceive.
what is ovulation period
Ovulation period means the time when an egg is formed in a woman’s uterus. According to gynecologists, every woman’s periods last for 3 to 5 days or 7 days. The menstrual cycle is counted from the day the period starts. The menstrual cycle is of 26-35 days. Every woman’s menstrual cycle is different. In women, the egg is formed in between the menstrual cycle. If someone’s menstrual cycle is of the 28th day, then the egg is formed on the 14th day. The day when the egg is formed is the ovulation day.
When are the chances of conceiving the highest?
According to gynecologists, the fertile period or ovulation period is the time 3 days before and one day after the egg is formed. The chances of conceiving are highest during the ovulation day. For this, every woman should keep tracking the menstrual cycle.
How long does an egg stay in the body?
After ovulation, i.e. after the formation of an egg in a woman’s body, it lasts for 12 to 24 hours. During this time, there is the highest chance of conceiving. Sperm remains alive in a woman’s body for three days. If a woman’s ovulation period starts after 3 days, then the sperm remains in the cervix. Even in such a situation, the woman can conceive. Every month, after periods, an egg is formed in the body.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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