In today’s era, most people use credit cards. Especially for working people, you will definitely get one or two credit cards. Even big businessmen and executives use credit cards. However, the limit of these credit cards is only a few lakh rupees at most. But, the credit card about which we are going to tell you today, its credit limit is so much that just by keeping it in your pocket, you become a millionaire. Let us know about it in detail.
Which credit card is this?
The name of the credit card we are talking about is American Express Centurion Card. It can be called the world’s most expensive credit card. Actually, not every person can take this card. For this the company selects only a few people. Today, only 1 lakh people use this credit card all over the world. The list of such people in India will be maximum 200.
What is the limit of this credit card?
The American Express Centurion card we are talking about has a spending limit of up to Rs 10 crore. According to the report of ET, if you have this credit card then you can buy anything worth Rs 10 crore through it. However, you do not apply to get it. Rather, American Express Bank itself sends invitations for this to some selected people. This invitation is sent only to those people who have the most wealth in the world.
Lakhs of rupees have to be spent annually
The higher the limit of this card, the higher its fees. Just for keeping and using this card, you have to pay a charge of 5 thousand to 7 thousand dollars annually. It will be around Rs 4 to 6 lakh in Indian Rupees.
What facilities are available with this card
With this special card of American Express, card holders get many special facilities. Such as last minute booking facility for premium restaurants, hotels, air travel, tours and private jets. Apart from this, card holders are given priority in more than 1400 airports in 140 countries.
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