First 100 Crore Film: It has now become a common thing for a film to collect Rs 100 crore at the box office. If the audience likes the story of the film, then even small films can easily do business of Rs 100 crore. But there was a time when collecting Rs 100 crore was not easy. Even before the Khans came to Bollywood, a superstar had given a Rs 100 crore film. He is still active in the world of acting. The actor we are talking about is none other than Mithun Chakraborty.
In the 2000s, Om Shanti Om and Ghajini had collected Rs 100 crores, but these were not the first films which had collected Rs 100 crores. There was a film in the 80s which collected Rs 100 crores.
This was the first 100 crore film
Babbar Subhash’s musical drama Disco Dancer is the first film which collected Rs 100 crore at the box office. Disco Dancer is not considered a part of the Rs 100 crore club, the reason being that a large part of its earnings came from abroad. Mithun Chakraborty’s film earned Rs 6.4 crore in India, which was a good amount for that time. But it was its success in the Soviet Union that made it a global blockbuster.
Talking about Disco Dancer, apart from Mithun Chakraborty, Rajesh Khan, Kim, Om Puri, Geeta Siddharth and Karan Razdan were seen playing important roles in it. Bappi Lahiri had given life to his tune in this film.
After Disco Dancer, many films like Hum Aapke Hain Koun, Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham, Gadar, Dhoom 2, Krish and Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna had collected Rs 100 crore. This collection is available in India as well as overseas.
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