"Maharaja" The movie was released on Netflix on 12 June 2024. This movie is directed by Nithilan Swaminathan and many great actors like Vijay Sethupathi, Mamta Mohandas, Anurag Kashyap, Abhirami, Sachana Namidass, Singampuli, Divya Bharathi, Natarajan Subramaniam, Manikandan, Vinod Sagar, Lizzie Antony, Aruldoss, Munishkanth, Saravana Subbiah, Bharathiraja, Mohan Raman, PL Thenappan and Poster Nandakumar have worked in this movie. Vijay Sethupathi, who has played the role of Maharaja in this movie, his acting is being well liked. Along with this, the twist in this movie makes this movie even more interesting. After all, what is this twist and what is the role of Laxmi in the movie?