Kharmas 2025: Kharmas takes place while entering the Sagittarius and Pisces sign of Sun God. The lord of Sagittarius and Pisces is Devguru Jupiter. The auspicious effect of Devguru Jupiter becomes less or weak due to the Sun coming in contact with the Sun. Therefore, during the transit of Sun God and transiting in Pisces, Kharmas takes place.
Auspicious works are not done during this time. When Kharmas seems to be Kharmas between mid -March to mid -April and the other is from mid -December to mid -January.
When Kharmas Starts (Kharmas 2025 Start Date)
In the month of March, the King of the planets, Surya Dev, will transit in the zodiac sign of Jupiter at the evening of March 14, 06: 34 minutes. Kharmas will start with the Sun God’s Aquarius and entering Pisces.
During this time, Sun God will enter Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra on March 18. After this, on April 13, Sun God will enter Aries and enter Aries. Kharmas ends with the Sun God entering Aries
What to do in Kharmas
- In Kharmas, marriage, home entry, shaving etc. are not auspicious for Manglik deeds. In these days, there is a tradition of chanting mantras, donations, river baths and pilgrimage.
- Due to this tradition, during the days of Kharmas, many more people reach for bathing in all holy rivers.
- There is a tradition of reciting the scriptures in this month. Every single day of Kharmas is very auspicious to earn a profit.
- There is a renewable virtue of worship, chanting mantras and charity done in this month. Akshaya virtue means such a virtue of which auspicious effects remain a whole life.
- A pilgrimage should be done in this month. One should bathe in a holy river. Those who are not able to bathe the river, should take a bath at their home by meditating on the holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Shipra. You can also take a bath by mixing Ganga water in water.
Kharmas comes twice a year
Once in a year, the Sun goes to the Sagittarius and Pisces of the planet Guru. In this way, Kharmas remains twice a year. The Sun lasts for one month in Jupiter’s zodiac signs twice a year. Among them, from 15 December to 15 January, Dhanu and from March 15 to April 15, in Pisces zodiac, when the coincidence of Sun and Jupiter is formed in these 2 months, no manglic works are done.
Surya Dev serves his guru
Guru planet means Devguru Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius and Pisces. The Sun planet travels in all 12 zodiac signs and stays in a zodiac for about a month. In this way, the Sun completes a round of all 12 zodiac signs in a year.
During this time, when the Sun comes in Sagittarius and Pisces, then Kharmas starts. After this, when the Sun moves from these zodiac signs, then Kharmas ends. Astrology believes that in Kharmas, Sun God lives in his Guru Jupiter’s house and serves the Guru.
Why do not live auspicious time in Kharmas
The Sun is one of the only direct deities and Panchdevas. In the beginning of any auspicious work, Ganesha, Shiva ji, Vishnu ji, Goddess Durga and Suryadev are worshiped. When the Sun lives in the service of its guru, the power of this planet decreases. Also, due to the sun, the strength of the planet Guru is also less. Due to the weak position of these two planets, it is advisable not to do Manglik Karma. If the Sun and Guru planets are in good position at the time of marriage, then the chances of getting success are very high.
Kharmas is in the astrological book
Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius and Pisces. When the sun comes in the zodiac signs, then there is a defect of Kharmas. It is said in a book called astrology element Vivek that if the Sun is in the zodiac sign of the Sun and the Sun lives in the Guru’s zodiac, then that period is called Gurvaditya. Which is considered taboo for all auspicious works.
Read Bhagwat Katha in Kharmas
Read Shri Ram Katha, Bhagwat Katha, Shiva Purana in Kharmas. Read the books daily according to your time. Try to complete the text of at least one book in this month. By doing this, along with the benefits of religion, living a happy life is also found. If you take the sources mentioned in the texts in life, then all the problems can be overcome.
Importance of charity in Kharmas
Donating in Kharmas gives as much virtue as a pilgrim bath. In this month, the fasts that are observed to come close to God with a senseless spirit, get the renewable fruit and all the defects of the faster end. During this time, it is important to serve the needy people, saints and sufferings. Along with charity in Kharmas, there is also a law of chanting Shraddha and Mantra.
Along with worship, donate money, grains, clothes, shoes and slippers to the needy people. You can donate in a cowshed to take care of green grass and cows according to your ability. Offer worship material in a temple around the house. Worship materials like kumkum, ghee, oil, abir, gulal, necklace, lamp, incense etc.
Do sun worship
The Sun planet should be worshiped daily in Kharmas. Wake up early in the morning and after bathing, offer water to the sun with a copper pot. Kumkum, flowers and rice should also be added to the water. Surya Mantra O Surya Namah: Chant the mantra.
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