There was a fatal attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan last night. The actor was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. After hearing this news, questions were being raised that where was wife Kareena Kapoor and what was she doing at the time of the attack. According to the information received by ABP News, Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor was present at home at the time of the attack.
what time did the attack happen
The theft in the house happened around 2 o’clock in the night. After entering the house the thief reached the maid’s room. The maid started screaming, hearing which Saif came out of the room. Saif tried to catch the thief and at the same time he attacked the actor with a knife and ran away.
Who did Kareena dial the first call?
Saif was stabbed six times. Kareena Kapoor got scared after seeing her husband Saif covered in blood. The first call Kareena made was to Saif’s elder son Ibrahim Ali Khan. After this, Kareena also called sister-in-laws Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Khemu.
According to sources, Ibrahim Ali Khan reached the bottom of the building by auto within a few minutes. There was no driver present at home at the time of the attack. Ibrahim immediately reached Lilavati Hospital with Saif in the same auto. After this from another car
Later Kunal and other staff reached the hospital.
Police saw two suspects in CCTV
According to sources, Mumbai Police has examined two hours of CCTV footage. Two suspects have been seen in CCTV. Police have identified one accused. The first picture of the accused has also been revealed. According to Mumbai Police, the suspect had jumped into Saif’s building from the adjacent building. CCTV footage shows the suspect jumping into the building.
A case of attempt to murder has been registered against the accused.
A case of attempt to murder under section 109 of BNS has been registered at Bandra Police Station against the accused who attacked Saif.
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Saif Ali Khan was drenched in blood after the attack, son Ibrahim ran to the hospital in an auto rickshaw.
Police revealed the attack on Saif, the maid started screaming after seeing the attacker, how the entry-exit happened, came to know