Avi Ansh Textile IPO is a fixed price issue of Rs 25.99 crore. This issue is entirely a fresh issue of 41.92 lakh shares. Avi Ansh Textile IPO will open for subscription on September 20, 2024 and will close on September 24, 2024. Allotment for Avi Ansh Textile IPO is expected to be finalized on Wednesday, September 25, 2024. The price band of this IPO is ₹ 62 per share, while you have to buy 2000 shares in one lot. Let us tell you that the retail investment will be minimum ₹ 124,000 while the minimum investment for 2 lots of HNI will be ₹ 248,000. The GMP of Avi Ansh Textile IPO is ₹ 35. Watch the full video for more information.