It is necessary to have correct memory of any human being. A woman’s memory is much better than men. Every person has different power to remember something. Some people remember many things for a long time. At the same time, some people forget in the middle. There is often a debate about this thing, which of the two men or women are better? Now the question also arises whether the memory of a woman is intensified in truth & nbsp; Or it is just a myth. & Nbsp;
women are more emotional than men
Women are much emotional than men. Many people feel that women are very emotional. And this is their weakness. But there is nothing like this. For your information, let us know that it is their strength for women to do so that it molds herself accordingly.
women eat more than men
If you see in terms of food, then women feel more hungry than men. Women eat a lot and it is due to their physical structure. Women work all day. Therefore, they need more calories. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that women eat two times much more than men. & Nbsp; Women are better to remember face, words and story than men. They remember things for more days.
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Women are better than men in clever and understanding. Women are very intelligent. No one can cheat women with cleverness of the brain. Men often have the illusion that those women are weak. Many people can feel like this according to physical force, but women are 6 times stronger than men. She is willing to compete with any situation. & Nbsp;
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is necessary to mention here that & nbsp; Abplive.com & nbsp; No recognition, does not confirm information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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