The continuous rise in onion prices in the last few weeks has increased the concerns of both the general public and the government. In cities like Chennai, onion is being sold at Rs 100 to 110 per kg. Whereas, at the national level its average price is Rs 70-80 per kg. Talking about Noida, onion is being sold here at Rs 70 to Rs 75 per kg. However, the central government took steps like selling onion at Rs 35 per kg at government shops and increasing the supply of onion through special trains. Are. But, despite this, there is no significant impact on retail prices. Come, let us know why this is happening. Along with this, you will also know why despite having so much onion in India, the prices are sky high?
Onion cultivation and production
Onion in India It is cultivated in almost all the states. It is grown in Rabi and Kharif seasons. A total of 242 lakh tonnes of onion was produced in the country in 2023-24, which is 20% less than last year. Maharashtra is the largest onion producing state in the country and Lasalgaon in Nashik district is the largest onion market in Asia. Maharashtra alone produces 43% of India’s onion production. Whereas, Karnataka and Gujarat are at second and third place.
Why are onion prices increasing
There are many reasons behind the rise in onion prices this year. There are reasons. Like the effect of rain. Crops were damaged due to excessive rain in the Kharif season. Due to this, onion harvesting was delayed and supply in the markets was affected. Apart from this, lack of production is also a reason behind this. The gap between demand and supply has increased due to decline in production in 2023-24. At the same time, onion has become expensive due to increasing demand.
Export and global role
India is the largest exporter of onion in the world. In 2022-23, India had exported 2.5 million tonnes of onion, earning Rs 4,525.91 crore. However, to control the rising domestic prices, the government has recently taken steps like banning the export of onion.
Apart from this, to deal with inflation, the central government has taken measures like increasing the stock limit and supply of onion. Taking steps. However, experts say that it is also necessary to improve production and supply chain to bring stability in prices.
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