People of Delhi-NCR are facing double blow these days. On one hand, due to severe cold and on top of that, the poison of pollution, Delhi has once again become a gas chamber where AQI is above 450. In such a situation, people need to be very careful. Health is deteriorating due to cold and the combination of pollution with cold has become even more dangerous. Latest research shows that due to pollution, the risk of blood clots in the veins increases by 100 percent.
Blood clot formation in the veins means high blood pressure, heart attack and brain stroke. That is why according to WHO, pollution is largely responsible for 50 lakh deaths due to brain stroke every year. Not only this, the risk of mental diseases also increases due to continuous breathing in pollution. People who have sugar-BP problems or are comorbid, will have to be more alert. In view of the situation, health experts have warned that this dangerous combination of diabetes and high blood pressure will increase the risk of heart disease manifold. In such a situation, let us know from Swami Ramdev how we can reduce the effects of cold and pollution and also how we can control sugar and BP.
Avoid poisonous air
Small particles present in the air cause harm by reaching the lungs from the breath, from the lungs to the blood, from the blood to the entire body and then to all the organs. This increases the risk of serious diseases. Pollution has a bad effect on the lungs, eyes and brain.
The best treatment for allergies
People who have allergy problems should mix 100 grams of almonds, 20 grams of black pepper and 50 grams of sugar. Now add 1 spoon of this powder in 1 glass of milk and boil it. Drink this milk at least once a day.
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A sure way to make lungs healthy
To deal with the triple attack of cold, pollution and fog, drink raw turmeric cooked in milk daily. Mix some Shilajit in this milk also. Drinking this milk will keep your lungs healthy and you will remain healthy in winter. Apart from this, definitely eat gram flour roti, liquorice and roasted gram. Lungs will become stronger. Pollution has the biggest impact on the lungs. Drink Shwasari decoction to strengthen the lungs.
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Apart from this you can boil liquorice and drink it. Drinking masala tea daily will also be beneficial. Ways to get relief from throat allergy: People who have throat allergy problem should gargle with salt water. Apart from this, do nasyam with almond oil. Eating liquorice provides relief to the throat and eliminates allergy problems. Apart from this, apply warm mustard oil on the soles before sleeping, this will provide relief. Also apply mustard oil in the navel. Putting mustard oil in the nose will also provide relief.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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