Credit Card Usage Tips: As digital money transactions are increasing, the security of credit card related data is also becoming equally important. If there is even a slight mistake, you can become a victim of hacking or fraud. In such a situation, credit card security matters during online money transactions. We are going to tell you some ways, keeping in mind that we can keep our credit card safe.
It is important to take care of the website
During online transactions, first of all check whether any website you are using is secure or not. Identify it from the URL of the site. If it starts with “https://” and a lock sign is also visible, then understand that the website has encrypted the information given by you. This is a method that prevents others from reading the information you provide. In this way, you can avoid becoming a victim of fraud by identifying unsafe sites.
Avoid using free WiFi
Many times we get free Wi-Fi facility in coffee shops, restaurants or any other public place so that we can use the internet for hours. However, it is not a good option for online transactions. Using free WiFi can easily make you a target of hackers.
The information you provide in public networks is not encrypted. Due to this, hackers can tap your connection. If you have to transact money online somewhere outside, then in this situation you should use Virtual Private Network (VPN). This proves helpful to a great extent in saving your data.
Avoid sharing credit card details
Avoid sharing your credit card information over phone, email or social media. The bank never asks you for card details like CVV, OTP. In such a situation, if someone wants to get information about these things from you, then file a complaint immediately.
Apart from this, phishing is also a method of online scam. In this, by sending a message or giving a link to a website, pressure is created on you to click on it. In this, hackers use such email IDs or websites, which appear completely original.
You can also take help of OTP
Two-Factor authentication provides security to your credit card. In this, whenever you transact money online, an OTP (One Time Password) is sent to your registered mobile number or email, using this you can avoid falling into the trap of hackers. Many times hackers are trying to get your credit card information and make payment. In this situation OTP proves helpful.
How does digital payment work from UPI to NEFT, how much does it cost? Read full details