Tishaa Kumar Death Reason Tanya Singh, wife of T-Series owner Krishna Kumar, has written an emotional post about 5 months after the death of daughter Tisha Kumar. In this, while revealing the death of his daughter, he said that Tisha was given wrong treatment, due to which she lost her life.
In her post, Tanya wrote- ‘The truth is that my daughter did not have cancer from the beginning. At the age of 15 and a half, he was given a vaccine, which caused an autoimmune reaction. Which was not treated properly. By the time we became aware of it, we were trapped in the medical trap. He has asked to avoid any kind of carelessness regarding lymph nodes swelling. In such a situation, let us know what this disease is.
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Beware of swollen lymph nodes
Tanya Singh further wrote in her post – ‘If any of your children has swollen lymph nodes, then do not forget to get second and third opinion before bone marrow test or biopsy. Lymph nodes are the body’s defense guards, which can become swollen due to emotional trauma or if a previous infection is not completely treated.
Causes of swollen lymph nodes
What are the symptoms of swelling in lymph nodes?
swelling in many parts of the body
body ache and fever
fever, cough
sore throat
difficulty breathing
night sweats
weakness or fatigue
The skin at the swollen area becomes red and hot.
weight loss
Can the vaccine cause swelling of the lymph nodes?
An NIH report states that some vaccines, including Covid, can cause temporary lymph node swelling as an immune reaction. Because these vaccines stimulate the immune system, due to which the lymph nodes produce immunity cells. Apart from this, measles, rubella and smallpox vaccines can also cause lymphadenopathy. If its symptoms appear, one should go to the doctor and get proper treatment.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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