High Cholesterol Foods: Most deaths in the world are occurring due to heart disease. Every year about 1.80 crore people are losing their lives due to heart attack or stroke. This data has been released by the World Health Organization (WHO). The biggest cause of heart attack is high cholesterol. The concern about this is that until it reaches the danger mark, its symptoms are not visible. In such a situation, let us know which things increase cholesterol the most in the body and what are its initial symptoms…
what is cholesterol
What are the dangers of cholesterol?
heart attack, stroke
brain stroke
jaw pain
poor blood flow
numbness in hands and feet
Angina means chest pain
Early symptoms of high cholesterol
The biggest reasons for increasing bad cholesterol
1. If there is more saturated fat and trans fat in the diet, then there is a higher risk of high cholesterol level.
2. Obesity, low physical activity and smoking can also increase cholesterol.
3. Family history, meaning if someone in the family has been at risk of high cholesterol, then you too may have it.
4. Diseases like diabetes and hyperthyroidism
These things increase bad cholesterol the most
Red meat, processed meat
ultra processed fast food
Fried Foods
Packaged Foods
butter, cheese
Things that increase healthy cholesterol
oats or porridge
Whole grains
dry fruits
all types of pulses
green vegetables
High Fiber Foods and Fruits
Keep drinking at least 7 to 8 glasses of water a day
What to do to increase healthy cholesterol
keep a better diet
Increase physical activity
lose weight
stay away from smoking
Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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