Pancreatic cancer : The pancreas is a fish -shaped organ in the back of our stomach, which releases insulin, which keeps blood sugar control. Due to pancreatic cancer, its functioning becomes difficult and digestive problems start coming. Its symptom is detected late, due to which the hope of avoiding is also less. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, more than 4.60 lakh people die every year in the world due to pancreatic cancer.
Every year in India, more than 12,700 people lose their lives due to this disease. Of these, there are more than 8,000 men. Till now the disease is treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, but the survival rate is low. Recently, a new study has come out about the RNA vaccine, which has raised expectations about the treatment of this disease. Let us know how the RNA vaccine is, how will it treat pancreatic cancer ..
What is RNA vaccine
RNA vaccine is an advanced medical technology, in which Messenger RNA (MRNA) is used. It trains the immune system of the body in such a way that it can recognize and destroy them. The vaccine of PFIZER and Moderna was based on this technique during the Kovid-19 epidemic. Now this technique is being developed to treat pancreatic cancer.
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How to treat pancreatic cancer from RNA vaccine
1. According to research by The Nature Journal, there is no prescribed treatment of pancreatic cancer yet. But RNA vaccine has been considered effective in new research.
2. Research states that RNA vaccine can increase the immune response of pancreatic cancer patients. Due to which the disease can be controlled.
3. RNA vaccine is designed to identify the mutations present in cancer cells.
4. This vaccine activates T-Cells, so that they can destroy cancer cells.
5. It can also reduce the possibility of cancer being again.
Benefits of RNA vaccine
It works by recognizing the cancer cells of every patient.
Its side effects may be reduced compared to chemotherapy.
It can help eliminate cancer from the root.
Can RNA vaccine become a cure for cancer
This vaccine is proving to be very effective in treating pancreatic cancer, but more research is still being done on it. Scientists hope that in the coming years this vaccine can prove to be an amazing discovery for the treatment of cancer.
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