Gold and Silver Price: On Thursday, the price of gold in the bullion market of Delhi has reached a high level of Rs 83,800 per 10 grams. According to the All India Bullion Association, gold with 99.9 percent purity has increased by Rs 50 to Rs 83,800 per 10 grams to a record high level. Similarly, gold with 99.5 percent purity has increased by Rs 50 to a record high level of Rs 83,400 per 10 grams. Whereas in the last trading session, its price per 10 grams was Rs 83,350.
Silver price also rises
Meanwhile, the price of silver rose by Rs 1,150 to Rs 94,150 per kg, while its business closed at Rs 93,000 per kg during the last trading session. In futures trading on the multi -commodity exchange (MCX), February delivery gold contracts have increased by Rs 575 or 0.72 percent, causing the price of 10 grams to reach a record high level so far. Similarly, there was an increase of Rs 541 (0.67 percent) in the contract of April, which set a new record of Rs 81,415 per 10 grams.
Speaking to The Mint, Jatin Trivedi, vice -president of the Commodity and Currency Research of LKP Securities, said, saying, gold business in MCX was positive in MCX after a reduction of 6 percent in the budget last year as investors were positive in import duty Keep yourself ready for A major difference between Comex and MCX was seen, domestic gold rose by 2.5 percent last week, while the comex increased by only 0.50 percent.
Why are gold prices rising?
Investors are selling assets in which there is a risk of risk. Instead, they are adopting the path of safe investment because there is an atmosphere of economic uncertainty worldwide. Traders say that in such a situation, gold has surpassed other risky assets like equity. Similarly, comex silver futures also increased by 2.06 percent to $ 32.04 an ounce in the Asian market.
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