Fardeen Khan On Feroz Khan Memories: Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan returned to the screen after a break of 14 years with Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s web series ‘Hiramandi’. After this, he was also seen in Akshay Kumar’s films ‘Khel Khel Mein’ and ‘Visfot’. Currently, she is busy preparing for ‘Housefull 5’ and meanwhile she has remembered her father Firoz Khan who is no more in this world.
Firoz Khan, an actor, producer and director, was a big name in the film world. He was suffering from cancer due to which he left this world at the age of just 69. Firoz Khan breathed his last on 27 April 2009. It has now been 15 years since his death but his children have somehow kept him alive in their hearts and in their home, which Fardeen himself has revealed.
Took care of father along with sister
Fardeen Khan recently talked about his father Firoz Khan in an interview given to GQ India. During this, he was asked what it was like for him to see his father battling cancer and how he spent his last days. On this Fardeen said- ‘He was diagnosed with stage IV cancer and his prognosis was not good. My sister and I were his primary caretakers and tried very hard not to tell him about this.
‘My father was a tiger…’
Fardeen further said- ‘We never told him how serious he was. We did not want to give up any hope. I have never shared this before. My father was a tiger and lived like one. His personality was larger than life and it was not just for the outside world, he lived a grand life at home too. So it was very difficult to see him sick and weak.
Even after 15 years, he has preserved every trace of his father.
The ‘Hiramandi’ actor further explains that even after his father’s death, he did not move his father’s things here and there. He says- ‘His (Firoz Khan) wardrobe is exactly the same as he left after his death 15 years ago. I have everything of his – his shoes, belt, socks, hat and even his robe. I haven’t been able to touch anything of his. I have an idea in my mind for his fans and I want to give them something to honor his legacy.
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