If dirty utensils remain in your kitchen and sink overnight, then be careful because it can cause dangerous diseases. Leaving dirty utensils unwashed for a long time causes bacteria to grow in the utensils which do not get cleaned even after washing. Well, ‘dirty utensils’ increase the risk of fatal diseases. Are dirty utensils being washed early in the morning in your house because of the cold? If yes, then be careful!
Leaving dirty utensils in the kitchen for a long time increases the risk of bacteria.
Salmonella, Listeria and E-coli bacteria grow on dirty utensils kept in the kitchen for a long time, which do not disappear even after the utensils are cleaned. The result is that when food is served in such utensils. So they enter the stomach through food. As strange as their names sound. Their work is equally dangerous. People who are already ill, whose immunity is weak or women who are about to become mothers. She falls ill due to the attack of these bacteria. Vomiting, stomach ache, diarrhea and indigestion are all problems caused by this. If the situation becomes serious, the risk of miscarriage and kidney failure also increases.
Don’t be lazy in keeping the kitchen, utensils and sink clean. Because the matter can become serious due to your laziness. Not only this, also understand this. Food items kept in the refrigerator for a long time are also the cause of disease. If we are talking about kitchen and kidneys, then not just the method of storage. Wrong eating habits are also making us sick in winter. Too much salt and too much sugar is also making the kidneys sick. Due to this the problem of high BP and sugar starts. If BP is high then the kidneys are sick, if there is more glucose in the blood then the fine filters of the kidneys start getting damaged. The result is kidney failure. Know from Swami Ramdev how to keep kidneys healthy. risk of bacteria
weak immunity
vomiting and stomach pain
diarrhea problem
risk of kidney failure
Risk of miscarriage in pregnant women
effect on kidneys
high creatinine levels
kidney stone
Also read: Be careful! Cats can spread bird flu rapidly, surprising revelation in research
uti infection
polycystic kidney
protein leakage
two enemies of kidney
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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