Buddhism: People of different religions live in India and the country, of which Buddhism is also one. Buddhism is an ancient Indian religion. It was established by Mahatma Buddha (Gautam Buddha) about 2600 years ago. Buddhism is considered the third largest religion in the world.
People of Buddhism live not only in India but also in different countries of the world like China, Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka etc. Buddhism has been explained in detail in the book Tripitaka.
When Buddhism was founded by Mahatma Buddha, it was just a philosophical departure, which gradually transformed into a religion. At present a large number of people are followers of Buddhism. It is necessary for the followers of Buddhism to follow the Panchsheel principles, because Buddha had preached his followers to follow the Panchsheel principles to live life. It is also the basic mantra of Buddhism.
What is Panchsheel principle
Panchsheel principles are the five principles of Mahatma Buddha. It contains the five virtues i.e. virtues considered by Gautam Buddha, which give the message to man to live a restrained and ethical life. Mahatma Buddha had given the principles of Panchsheel theory in Pali language. Which are as follows in Hindi-
Five principles of Buddha (Panchsheel principles in Hindi)
Pali language: Panatipata veramani-sikkhapadam samadayami.
Meaning in Hindi: Abstain means staying away from violence towards living beings.
Pali language: Adinnadana Veramani- Sikhapadam Samadayami.
Meaning in Hindi: To abstain from stealing or from taking what is not given.
Pali language: Kamesu michchachara veramani- sikkhapadam samadayami.
Meaning in Hindi: Abstain from sexual misconduct or adultery.
Pali language: Musavada Vermani- Sikhapadam Samadayami.
Meaning in Hindi: Abstain from speaking untruth.
Pali language: Sura-Meray-Majj-Pamadaththana Veramani- Sikhapadam Samadayami.
Meaning in Hindi: abstinence from drugs
What is the basic mantra of Buddhism?
For those who know Buddhism “Buddha Sharanam Gachhami” This is the basic mantra. This mantra conveys the basic spirit of Buddhism in three words: ‘To take refuge in Mahatma Buddha’ means ‘I take refuge in Buddha’. its two other lines “Sangham Sharanam Gachhami” And “Dhamma Sharanam Gachhami” are also.
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