Cold Drink Side Effects : 62-year-old Suniel Shetty is one of the fittest actors in Bollywood. Some time ago, in an interview, he revealed the secret of his fitness. He said that he always eats homemade food. He takes great care of his diet. He takes care of calories in his food and does not forget to workout.
The actor told that he has not even touched cold drinks for the last 10-12 years. So let us know how cold drinks harm our health…
Why are cold drinks dangerous?
A report by Healthline states that cold drinks do not contain any nutrients other than sugar and calories. Excessive intake of artificial sugar is harmful for health. According to health experts, sugary drinks, packaged juices and energy drinks increase calories in the body, which increases obesity. This increases the risk of diabetes.
Cold drinks have a bad effect on 5 organs
Drinking too much cold drinks poses a great risk to the liver. This increases the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver. When cold drinks reach the liver in large quantities, fructose starts converting into fat. This causes fat to accumulate in the liver.
Many researches have shown that excess sugar and processed food damages the brain. These things work like heart medicine for the brain. Their addiction can affect the brain badly.
Drinking too much cold drinks leads to fat accumulation in the stomach. Cold drinks contain fructose, which leads to accumulation of fat around the stomach. This is called visceral fat. This increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
4. Increase in sugar level
There is a risk of insulin resistance by drinking too many cold drinks. This can cause high blood sugar. Insulin is a type of hormone that works to transport glucose from the blood to the cells. When cold drinks are consumed, the cells become less sensitive to the effects of insulin.
5. Risk of obesity
Drinking too many cold drinks causes extra sugar to accumulate in the body. This increases the risk of obesity. It can harm almost all parts of the body. Drinking sugary drinks increases the risk of leptin resistance in the body, which can increase obesity.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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