Obesity causes: Obesity is a rapidly growing problem that is giving rise to many dangerous diseases. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every 8th person in the world is struggling with obesity. Due to this, the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes is increasing. The common belief is that obesity grows due to eating more or bad food but it is not so.
Doctors say that more food is not only a cause of obesity, apart from this, zero physical activities, not getting adequate sleep, stress, increase of stress and bad lifestyle are also due to this. Some people also increase obesity due to genetic reasons. Some mistakes also cause obesity.
Obesity increased mistakes
1. poor sleep quality
Waking up till late night, running mobiles, watching movies may seem normal, but it can cause obesity to increase. Actually, due to lack of sleep, the hormonal balance of the body starts deteriorating, due to which the hormon ghralin becomes more active. This increases the craving craving and increases obesity or weight. Therefore, everyone must get enough sleep of 7 to 8 hours.
2. Take too much stress
Doctors say that nowadays most people are struggling with stress in a run -of -the -mill life, which can become obesity causes. Due to stress, the level of cortisol hormone in the body increases, due to which fat starts accumulating. When this fat accumulates in large quantities near the stomach and waist, it causes obesity. Yoga-Meditation should be done regularly to avoid stress.
3. Lazy
If you are lazy and use the phone-TV lying in one place throughout the day, then obesity can increase rapidly. This reduces physical activity and does not burn calories, which accumulates as fat. Therefore, doctors recommend to exercise at least 30 minutes.
4. Not having the right routine of food
These days people do not even have time to eat. Breakfast, time of lunch and dinner late at night can increase many problems. Metabolism becomes slow due to deteriorating food time, due to which fat accumulates in the body. In such a situation, the time should be corrected and dinner should be done at least 2-3 hours before sleeping at night.
Check out Below Health Tools-
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)
Calculate the age through age calculator