Nowadays it is often said that if men drink alcohol then it does not matter but women drink, then everyone starts having problems? Actually, you should be surprised to hear, but due to the separation of the physical texture of a woman and man, the effect of alcohol is also different. Actually, women who drink more alcohol are highly at risk of many serious diseases.
Men drink more alcohol than women, but the effect of alcohol on women is very serious than men. Not only this, women who drink a lot of alcohol increases the risk of forgetting disease, coma, heart disease, liver damage, stroke and many types of cancer. Women drinking alcohol can die of many serious diseases including cancer, liver cancer, heart disease and brain stroke.
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer significantly. This increases the risk of liver cancer, brain cancer, neck cancer, voice cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer. Even women who drink a drink throughout the day also increase the risk of many serious diseases.
Esophageal cancer
Alcohol consumption is associated with the rising risk of cancer of the esophagus
colorectal cancer
Alcohol consumption is associated with increasing risk of colorectal cancer
Liver cancer
Liver cancer from alcohol: Alcohol consumption is associated with increasing risk of liver disease like hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.
Heart disease
High BP and heart disease: Drinking too much alcohol increases the risk of high BP, heart disease, diabetes.
Also read: If you want to avoid heart attack, do exercise on an empty stomach daily, the risk of stroke will be reduced
Brain stroke
Brain Damage: Drinking alcohol increases the risk of brain damage. Due to this, the brain does not function properly.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition of any kind, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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