Laxmi Ji: In Hindu religious scriptures, women have a status equal to that of a goddess and women are called the goddess of wealth. The grace of Goddess Lakshmi is considered to be the cause of happiness and prosperity but due to some habits of women (Womens Bad Habits), Goddess Lakshmi gets upset and the happiness and peace of the family is lost.
Financial crisis starts looming. Know what are those vices and habits which women should give up today itself as per Hindu beliefs, because these can lead to the downfall of the family.
Lakshmi ji gets upset with these bad habits of women (Womens should avoid these bad habits)
Do not do these things on the threshold – The threshold of the house is associated with Goddess Lakshmi. It is believed that the Goddess always enters the house from the entrance. In such a situation, the women who leave the kajal collected after sweeping the house behind the threshold or the main door, Goddess Lakshmi gets upset with them.
Women should not do make-up, eat food or do any kind of transaction while sitting on the threshold of the house. This leads to poverty.
Be careful with flour – Often women keep the leftover flour in the fridge at night and make rotis from it the next day. Give up this habit today itself. This leads to the ill effects of Rahu. It has a bad effect on health as well as prosperity.
Do not step on these things – Women should never touch the broom with their feet. It is considered to be the form of Goddess Lakshmi. This leads to financial crisis. Clean the house before sunrise and do not sweep after sunset in the evening. The main door of the house should also never be opened with the feet.
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