Ovarian cancer causes : Ovarian cancer is one of the most dangerous cancer in women. Every year about 1,75 lakh women die around the world due to this. According to the WHO report, 184,799 women died of overian cancer in the year 2018. The 2019 report of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) states that ovarian cancer is the third largest cancer in Indian women.
According to ICMR, about 6.8 women in India are vulnerable to this cancer. The risk of this increases at the age of 35 years and becomes dangerous for 55-64 years. Let us know what this cancer is, how dangerous it is and what is the main reason …
How dangerous ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer occurs in women’s ovary, which is a reproductive organ. Eggs are made in this. These eggs move from the fallopian tubes to the uterus, where fertilized eggs develop into the embryo. Any kind of cancer in the ovary is ovarian cancer. It is mostly produced by the outer layer of utrus.
Ovarian cancer will be known in time
A study published in Nature Communications has identified a particular type of cell in the fallopian tube, especially the prone to develop high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC), which is the most dangerous form of ovarian cancer. Orien cancer is the sixth biggest cause of deaths due to cancer in women, in which most patients live for less than 5 years after detection of cancer. This is more dangerous because there are no symptoms in the initial stages and there is no test for initial identity.
Big discovery regarding ovarian cancer
The scientist has long been suspicious that HGSC starts in the fallopian tube instead of ovulation, but the exact information has not been known yet. The research team led by Dr. Alexander Nikitin of Veterinary College, Cornell University, found that a particular group of cells in the fallopian tube, called pre-selected tubal epithelial cells, is susceptible to cancer.
These cells serve as an intermediary between stem cells and fully developed cells, which help to carry liquid and eggs from the fallopian tube. This study found that when main tumor-pressed genes are closed, stem cells themselves do not become cancer. Instead, pre-cylocated cells, which increase the risk of infection in completely developed ciliary cells from stem cells.
How is ovarian cancer
Researchers studied on mice genetically to better understand how cancer is formed. In Human HGSC cases, two genes have mutations TP53 and RB1 in most cases. These genes help prevent cells from becoming cancer, so when they are deactivated, there is more possibility of cells becoming cancer. Scientists in the study pacified TRP53 and RB1 in different types of cells in the fallopian tube ..
They found that when stem cells lost these tumor-rubbing genes, they died instead of turning cancer cells. When pre-cylindered traditional cells lost these genes, they became cancer, causing HGSC growth. This discovery suggests that pre-cylocated cells are the main causes in the fallopian tube, where it produces dangerous cancer.
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