Ways to avoid food poisoning
- Eat clean and fresh food: Give preference to fresh and home-made food during the rainy season. Avoid eating stale or outside food.
- Cook food properly: While cooking food, make sure that it is cooked completely, so that the bacteria present in it are killed.
- Use clean water: Always drink boiled water or consume filtered water. Use clean water for cooking as well.
- Take care of the food kept in the refrigerator: Keep the perishable food in the refrigerator during the rainy season and keep it covered so that it does not get contaminated.
- Hand hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly before cooking and eating to avoid any kind of bacteria.
- By adopting these simple measures, you can avoid food poisoning during the rainy season and keep yourself and your family safe. Enjoy the rain, but also take care of your health.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
Also read: Avoid these mistakes during food poisoning in the rain, otherwise your health may deteriorate
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