Causes of Fear : Many people like to watch horror movies. After watching horror movies, most people’s throat becomes dry, hands and feet swell, sometimes they even faint. People with weak hearts’ heartbeat increases so much that the body starts sweating.
As soon as scary scenes start, we start trembling but cannot leave the story incomplete. Have you ever wondered why we feel scared after watching horror films? Is this just a delusion of the mind or is there any scientific reason behind it? Let’s find out…
Why do we feel scared after watching a horror movie?
The reason for feeling fear is the adrenaline hormone. This hormone becomes active only when your heart starts beating loudly or you are under stress. This hormone is a part of an important response to prepare the body to escape from danger.
what is adrenaline hormone
Adrenaline glands are controlled by the pituitary gland. These glands are divided into two parts. First- external glands and second- internal glands. These internal glands release the adrenaline hormone. When our body is in trouble or is afraid from within, then this hormone starts getting released. It stimulates the heart and asks it to work harder. This increases blood circulation in the muscles and prepares the body to fight any problem. Along with this, it also works to alert the brain.
How does the adrenaline hormone protect us from danger?
Adrenaline hormone is also known as fight or flight, ‘fight or flight’ hormone. It sends a message to the body to tell it whether to fight or flee in a time of crisis. This is why this hormone is also called emergency hormone. When a situation like fear occurs, it increases the heart beat to keep the body safe. This increases blood circulation in the body and increases the body’s ability to work.
This is the reason that when we feel scared under stress or while watching a horror movie, the hair on our body rises and the heart starts beating fast. This is why the mouth also becomes dry. Adrenaline hormone is helpful in avoiding all such things.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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