Lung Cancer vs Lung Tumor : Increasing pollution and cigarette smoke in the air is very dangerous for the lungs. Because of this, serious and fatal diseases related to lungs are spreading. Apart from bad lifestyle and eating habits, many other factors are spoiling the health of the lungs. Both lung cancer and lung tumor are fatal diseases related to the lungs. However, many people do not understand the difference between them. Due to which they are detected late and there are difficulties in treatment. In such a situation, know here the difference between these two serious diseases and their symptoms…
what is lung cancer
Lung cancer is a very serious disease. In this, lung cells grow uncontrollably and take the form of tumors. This disease occurs due to smoking, air pollution and genetic reasons. According to reports, 10.38 lakh cases of lung cancer are reported every year across the world. The biggest reason for this is air pollution, which usually reaches the body along with tobacco smoke. Smoking smoke can damage not only the lungs but also the nervous system and heart.
Lung cancer symptoms
1. Coughing for a long time or change in the sound of coughing.
2. Whistling sound while breathing
3. Bleeding in the mouth while coughing
4. Rapid weight loss and loss of appetite
5. Swelling in the respiratory tract
6. Getting infections frequently
7. Persistent pain in shoulders, back and legs
What is lung tumor?
Lung tumor is a type of lump in the lungs which can be cancerous or non-cancerous. This tumor occurs due to uncontrolled growth of lung cells. If it is not treated on time, it can also be fatal.
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What are the symptoms of lung tumor?
1. Difficulty in breathing
2. Chest pain
3. Coughing up blood
4. Weight loss
5. Fatigue and weakness
Difference between lung cancer and lung tumor
1. In lung cancer, the tumor is cancerous, whereas in lung tumor, the tumor can also be non-cancerous.
2. In lung cancer the tumor grows rapidly, whereas in lung tumor the tumor grows slowly.
3. For the treatment of lung cancer, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used, whereas for lung tumor, the help of surgery and medicines is taken.
Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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