For some women, those 5 days of periods are very painful. Along with mood swings, there is also a problem of stomach cramps. Often doctors say that special care should be taken of cleanliness during periods. Because not doing so increases the risk of infection. Menstrual hygiene is very important. It is quite challenging during clean and long travel. Special care should be taken of cleanliness during travel.
How important is menstrual hygiene?
Periods last for 2-7 days. During this period, there is continuous or heavy bleeding for 2-3 days. Problems like sweating and itching occur due to constantly wearing pads. Due to which the risk of infection increases. Due to bleeding during periods, many women face the problem of rashes due to constantly wearing pads.
This happens when the pads remain wet for a long time and rub against the thighs. Not only this, if you keep the same pad on for many hours, then the risk of many diseases increases like UTI and vaginal infection. Women who do not take special care of cleanliness also have to face bad odor.
The risk of ovarian cancer also increases
Keeping the pad on for hours causes it to become moist. This increases the risk of urinary tract infection, vaginal infection, skin rashes, pelvic rashes, pelvic inflammatory disease and even cervical cancer. Therefore, whenever you travel, keep changing the pad from time to time. If you use dirty, torn pads during periods, then the possibility of allergic reaction increases. This causes irritation and itching. If you do not take care of cleanliness, then it can cause itching. Therefore, keep changing the pad.
Drink lots of water: Drink lots of water during periods. This clears the urine. If dangerous bacteria are growing inside you, then it will get flushed out through water. This reduces the risk of infection.
Not washing hands: Whenever you change the sanitary napkin, wash your hands with soap. Because if you do not do this, then the risk of yeast infection or hepatitis B is also very high. Therefore, wash your hands after changing.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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