An important information that has come to light for the students of Uttar Pradesh is that the UP Board has postponed the practical examinations of intermediate students for some time. Earlier these examinations were to be held between 23rd to 31st January and then from 1st to 8th February. Which has now been shifted to 16th of next month. Now the board will conduct these examinations between 1st and 16th February. According to the new time table, the first phase of examinations will be conducted from 1st to 8th February and then the second phase of examinations will be conducted from 9th to 16th February.
The first and second phase will be held in these divisions
Let us tell you that the practical exams to be held in the first phase will be in Aligarh, Moradabad, Kanpur, Meerut, Prayagraj, Mirzapur, Varanasi, and Gorakhpur. While the second phase will be organized in Agra, Saharanpur, Jhansi, Chitrakoot, Bareilly, Lucknow, Ayodhya, Azamgarh, Devipatan and Basti. The education department is busy preparing for this in full swing. Let us tell you that Uttar Pradesh Board has brought a new system in these practical examinations, where the examiners taking the examination will have to upload the marks at the same center where the examinations are being conducted. For this, a special app of the board is also ready which will work only within a radius of 200 meters of the board examination centre. Apart from this, examiners will also have to upload their selfie during this period.
Why was the change made?
Let us tell you that the date of intermediate examinations of UP has been changed due to JEE Main examination. Because the exam dates of many students were clashing with the practical exam and JEE Main exam simultaneously, the board has taken this decision to remove the problems of the students. Let us tell you that maximum number of students are registered in Physics and Chemistry in the practical examination of UP Board. Due to which the future of children cannot be played with at all.
Also read: JEE Main Admit Card 2025: JEE Main admit card released, you can download it from here
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