Umesh Yadav on IPL 2025 in Unsold: In the month of November, the mega auction of IPL 2025 took place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In which the highest bids were placed on Rishabh Pant and Shreyas Iyer. Rishabh Pant was bought by Lucknow Super Giants for Rs 27 crore, while Shreyas Iyer was bought by Punjab Kings for Rs 26.75 crore. But in the mega auction of IPL 2025, there were some big names which remained unsold. One of them was Indian team’s legendary bowler Umesh Yadav. Now, two months after the mega auction, Umesh Yadav has broken his silence on this matter.
Umesh Yadav broke his silence
Umesh Yadav has played for Delhi Capitals, Royal Challengers Bangalore, Kolkata Knight Riders and Gujarat Titans, but this time he did not find any buyer in the auction. On this, Umesh Yadav broke his silence and said while talking to Inside Sport, “It was very shocking for me that I was not bought in IPL 2025. I have played cricket for 15 years and have played around 150 IPL matches. After so much hard work, It feels very bad not to sell even after that.”
Umesh Yadav further said that it depends on the strategies of the franchise. Maybe my auction was late and they didn’t have money. Still, it’s an uncomfortable situation. I am very disappointed, but I cannot change anyone’s decision now.
IPL wickets of Umesh Yadav
Umesh Yadav has bowled for four teams in the IPL so far. He has taken 144 wickets in 148 IPL matches at an average of 29.97. In this, Umesh Yadav has taken 28 wickets for Royal Challengers Bangalore, 65 for Kolkata Knight Riders, 43 for Delhi Capitals and 8 wickets for Gujarat Titans.
Umesh Yadav has taken 288 wickets in his 141 international matches. In this, he has taken 170 wickets in 57 test matches at an average of 30.95. He has taken 106 wickets in 75 ODI matches at an average of 33.63. He has taken 12 wickets in 9 T20 International matches at an average of 23.33.
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