Twinkle Khanna On Women Safety In India: The rape and murder case of a trainee doctor in Kolkata’s medical college has once again scared the women of the country. Questions are being raised on women’s safety in the country. In such a situation, actress turned writer Twinkle Khanna has talked about the state of women’s safety in the country. She has said that the women of the country are not afraid of ghosts, men scare them.
Twinkle Khanna wrote a column for the Times of India titled Why ghosts don’t scare Indian women. In it, the actress writes – ‘It’s been fifty years on this planet, and I have found that we are still teaching our daughters the same things that I was taught as a child. Don’t go alone. Don’t go alone to the park, to school, to work.’
These things were said on women’s safety
Twinkle further wrote- ‘Do not go out alone with any man, even if he is your uncle, cousin or friend. Do not go out alone in the morning or evening, especially not at night. Do not go alone because it is not a matter of if, but when. Do not go alone because you may never come back. It is time to ensure that laws are implemented and followed, so that safety measures can be guaranteed for women in public places instead of keeping us tied to the house.’
‘It is safer to face a ghost in a dark alley…’
Twinkle writes in the column- ‘Till then, I think it is safer for the woman (women) of this country to face a ghost in a dark alley than a man. Twinkle Khanna further mentioned the film ‘Stree 2’. She wrote- Horror films can also be an entertaining way to give an important social message like the already mentioned ‘Stree 2’. The first installment of what is now turning into a completely scary world has a role reversal of the stories that my grandmother used to tell me.
Women’s safety linked to ‘Stree 2’
Regarding ‘Stree 2’, the actress says- ‘Here women are free and men are scared, because the woman who comes for four nights in a year only preys on men roaming around after sunset. This is the solution to the fear that women experience every day.’
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