Famous youtuber, Triggered insaan i.e. Nishchay Malhan recently got engaged with Ruchika Rathore, due to which he is quite in trend. But for the past few days, both of them are being trolled a lot on social media regarding some old videos of Ruchika Rathore. Just a few days ago, Nishchay Malhan had posted his engagement photos on social media, after which his girlfriend Ruchika. Videos made on trends like Kacha Badam started going viral. After which, videos of Nishchay trolling Kaccha Badam also surfaced. After all this, the trollers also gave Nishchay the title of hypocrite. When this trolling became overcontrol, Nishcay made a motivational post for Ruchika on social media and gave a strong reply to all the trollers.