"Guggulu: Shulwatghno Vatapitakfaghnash. Shotghno Medoghno f Guggulu: Sarvakayaka "That is, Guggulu is also beneficial for the shool and vata, for bile and phlegm, for inflammation and Med. This verse of the Sushruta Samhita tells the story of Guggul being ‘all-virtuous’! & Nbsp; Many such species of trees and plants are found all over the world, which have an important place in Ayurveda. Be it eye disease or many countless diseases associated with the body, including odor of the ear or stomach disease, for their treatment & lsquo; Guggul & rsquo; Only is used. Today you & lsquo; Guggul tree & rsquo; Will tell about, which have countless benefits.
The mention in these thesis is mentioned in these thesis
2015 According to a letter published in the National Library of Medicine in 2015, atherosclerosis (arterial fats, cholesterol and other substances in arterials) The impact of this was revealed in January 1966 at a doctoral thesis presented at Banaras Hindu University (BHU). Earlier, Guggul was more known as an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of various types of arthritis. & lsquo; Guggul & rsquo; Botanical name of & lsquo; Comifora Wigy & rsquo; Is, which is found in most dry regions of India. Many species of it are available here. Of these, mainly Comifora is Wigy and C Stocksiana, which are found in dry areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Which drugs are used in Guggul?
& lsquo; Guggul & rsquo; There is a multi -utilized plant, from which the glue released is used in allopathy, Unani and Ayurvedic medicines. The chemical and functional elements of its glue are considered effective in relieving obesity, tantric imbalance, blood cholesterol and some other treatment. Analysis has shown that two important compounds of the steroid class, Z-Gugusterone and e-Guggulsion are found in them. Has been considered a panacea for many of the body related treatment. & lsquo; Guggul & rsquo; It is like glue, whose effect is hot and bitter. It is said that & lsquo; Guggul & rsquo; Ulcers, indigestion, stones, pimples, hemorrhoids, cough, eye related diseases are beneficial. & Nbsp; & lsquo; Guggul & rsquo; Many ingredients like vitamins, antioxidants, chromium are also found. For this reason, it is used on a large scale as a medicine. It is said that Guggul is beneficial in eye disease. Apart from this, it is also helpful in reducing the odor coming from the ear. Not only this, it helps in sour belching, stomach diseases, anemia, hemorrhoids and joint pain.
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