Disease Detection Machine : Usually, a disease in the body is detected only when the symptoms of the disease start appearing. Sometimes the symptoms of certain diseases appear late and due to late identification, the patient cannot be treated properly. But now a machine has come in the medical field which will diagnose any disease hidden in any part of the body in a short time. Yes, this is being called a revolution in the field of health services.
IIT Delhi has made this small machine and with its help, the disease hidden in the patient’s body can be detected in about an hour. Let’s know about this.
Students of Delhi IIT have made this machine
Let us tell you that this small machine has been made by the students of IIT Delhi. The team of Professor Joseph of Delhi IIT has developed this machine and soon this machine will be seen in big hospitals of the country. The name of this machine is Photonic Chip Based Spectrometric Bio Sensor. If seen, this machine is very small in appearance but it can tell the stage of any disease immediately.
Professor Joseph said that this machine made on chip based technology will tell the condition of the disease hidden in the body and its correct stage in a short time. Usually it takes three to four days to diagnose a disease and find out its stage in a hospital. In some places it takes more time. Let us tell you that it took ten years to make this machine and financial help has been given by the government in making it.
The machine will detect the disease in just one hour
Professor Joseph said that with the help of this machine, the patient will save both time and money. He said that with the help of this machine, it will be known within an hour how much the disease has spread in the blood, lungs or kidneys. He said that this machine cannot tell the condition of all types of diseases, at present it has been made to detect some specific diseases.
But going forward, features to detect every disease will also be added to it. He told that a startup medical company in Mumbai has taken this machine and is working on it.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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