Why Women Are Losing More Sleep Than Men: There are high chances that you may not be getting enough sleep. According to an American report, apart from stress, things like caffeine or roaming around till late night are responsible for this. This report states that 1 in every 3 people is struggling to get enough sleep, but what could be the other reasons behind this? Research has revealed that some people suffer from insomnia.
Sleep problems are common in women due to these reasons
Although anyone can suffer from insomnia, women are more at risk than men. According to a research, its prevalence rate among women is 58 percent higher.
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Apart from this, hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman’s lifetime have a major impact on the quality and quantity of sleep. Also, the effect of period on sleep is seen in women. For which the levels of estrogen and progesterone are collectively responsible.
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Pregnancy has a special connection with sleep
Poor sleep is very common during pregnancy in women. Especially, there is a complaint of poor sleep in the beginning of pregnancy. Apart from this, menopause in women has a big connection with sleep. Also sleep is affected by many hormone-induced symptoms. Night sweats are the most common problem in women due to fluctuating levels of estrogen affecting the hypothalamic temperature control center in the brain. Due to all these reasons, women’s sleep is adversely affected.
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