Another news is coming out related to the thug Sukesh Chandrashekhar lodged in Delhi’s Tihar Jail. It is being said that swindler Sukesh Chandrashekhar has written a shocking letter to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. In this, he wants to pay tax of Rs 7,640 crore on his foreign income which is approximately Rs 22,410 crore (about $2.7 billion). Regarding this income, he has told that he has earned it from his two foreign companies in the financial year 2024-2025.
Which are these companies?
Sukesh has claimed that his two foreign companies, LS Holdings International (Nevada, USA) and Speed Gaming Corporation (British Virgin Islands), have been operating since 2016. These companies work in the sector of online and offline gaming and betting. Sukesh said that his business is spread in many countries like America, Spain, Britain, Dubai and Hong Kong and he has earned $2.7 billion from these companies in 2024.
Also expressed desire to invest in India
According to a report in News 18, Sukesh Chandrashekhar has written in his letter that along with paying tax on this income, he wants to invest in the sector of technology and online skill gaming in India. He also said that his income is completely “legal” and follows international banking laws.
On what charges is Sukesh Chandrashekhar arrested?
There are serious allegations against Sukesh Chandrashekhar of fraud worth crores of rupees and money laundering. He is under investigation by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in a money laundering case of Rs 200 crore. This case is related to defrauding the wives of former Ranbaxy promoters Shivinder Singh and Malvinder Singh of Rs 200 crore. Apart from this, the Economic Offenses Wing of Delhi Police and other agencies are also running many cases against him. Sukesh is accused of cheating rich people of crores of rupees. Apart from this, Sukesh Chandrashekhar was also in the news due to rumors of his relationship with Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandes. However, Jacqueline has denied these rumors many times.
(ABP News does not confirm the claim of thug Sukesh Chandrashekhar’s letter to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.)
Also read: Maha Kumbh Mela Security Insurance Plan launched, if any problem occurs during the fair, insurance of Rs 59 will provide full help.