Tulsi puja: In Hinduism, Tulsi plant is considered very sacred. Tulsi is revered in the house. It is believed that the mother Lakshmi resides in Tulsi. There is no lack of wealth, happiness, prosperity, opulence, fame in the house where there is a basil plant.
There is solidarity and prosperity in the family. Many special materials are used in Tulsi Puja, but according to Vastu Shastra, should you offer sugarcane juice in Tulsi plant, know what is the truth.
What happens by offering sugarcane juice in a basil plant?
In addition to water, milk in the basil plant, offering sugarcane juice is considered very auspicious. According to the Puranas, if a person is having some kind of problem in business with money loss, there is a constant losses, then the enemies are becoming dominating you, there are obstacles in the work, then it is fruitful to offer sugarcane juice in the basil plant. All these problems are solved. This makes mother Lakshmi very happy.
How to offer sugarcane juice in basil?
On the day of Panchami date of every month, take a little sugarcane juice in your hand and offer the name of the gotra and offer it seven times in the basil plant.
If you are putting obstacles in the opposing work, then on 5 Tuesday or Saturday, offer sugarcane juice with Ganga water in the basil plant. These remedies can prove to be perfect in destroying your enemies. All works will be done.
Tulsi Mantra (Tulsi Mantra)
Mahaprasad Janani Sarva Saubhagyavardhini, Aadhi Vyadhi Green Nitya Tulsi Tvam Namostutte ..
This mantra should be chanting regularly by touching Tulsi Patra or plant. This fulfills all the desires of the person.
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