Sudha Murthy in Mahakumbh 2025: Sudha Murthy, wife of famous industrialist and Infosys co-founder Narayan Murthy and Rajya Sabha MP, has also reached Mahakumbh. After reaching Prayagraj Kumbh, he took a dip of faith at the holy Triveni Sangam on Tuesday, 21 January 2025, and offered Arghya to the Sun God from Ganga water. Here Sudha Murthy will also offer tarpan to her ancestors.
Let us tell you that Padma Bhushan awardee Sudha Murthy is a well-known name in the industry, politics, social service and business world, who is known for her simple and straightforward life.
Told Mahakumbh as the best pilgrim king
Describing her spiritual experience at the Mahakumbh held in Prayagraj, Sudha Murthy described it as a once in a lifetime experience. He also said, ‘This Tirtharaj is the best holy place’. Mahakumbh comes once in 144 years and I am very happy to be here.
Kareng Tarpan to the ancestors
#WATCH Prayagraj, UP | At #MahaKhumbhRajya Sabha MP Sudha Murty says, “I had made a vow for three days, I took holy dip yesterday, today I will do that as well, and tomorrow again. My maternal grandfather, maternal grandmother, grandfather, none of them could come – that is… pic.twitter.com/C0aRtyYAqs
— ANI (@ANI) January 21, 2025
Sudha Murthy said in a conversation with the media, ‘I have taken a resolution of 3 days. On Tuesday I took a holy bath in Prayag and will do so even today. He also said, ‘My maternal grandparents could not come to Mahakumbh. That’s why I thought it necessary to offer prayers in his name. I am very happy with this.
Why is it important to offer prayers to ancestors?
Tarpan for ancestors has special significance in Hindu religion. This is considered an essential action. According to astrologer Anish Vyas, if offerings are not made to the ancestors after death, then the souls of the ancestors do not get peace. It is necessary to perform Tarpan to attain salvation of ancestors, to get blessings of ancestors and to get freedom from Pitra Dosh.
Importance of Tarpan in Mahakumbh
Mahakumbh is such a huge religious event, which happens once in 144 years. It is believed that after bathing in the Ganga, one should offer tarpan to the ancestors on the banks of Sangam in Prayag. Through this the ancestors attain salvation. A person who takes bath in Mahakumbh also attains eternal virtue. After bathing, one should take Ganga water in hand and offer it to the ancestors and pay obeisance.
Also read: Mahakumbh 2025: When will the last bath of Mahakumbh take place, what is special on this day?
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