SSC CGL 2024 Prelims Exam: Time is important in everyone’s life. SSC CGL exam has started from 9th July, every year lakhs of candidates prepare for this exam. But not all candidates are able to get success in the exam. But think about those candidates who were preparing for the exam for a year or many years, but they could not give the exam due to a delay of two minutes. A similar video is going viral on social media.
Some candidates were not allowed to enter the exam centre of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam due to reaching the exam centre two minutes late. This incident happened when Sandeep Sharma Sir, who is a very famous teacher, was present there. Teacher Sandeep Sharma tried to get the candidates admitted due to delay in reaching the exam centre, but he could not succeed in it. The disappointment can be clearly seen on the faces of the candidates due to not being able to appear in the exam.
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In the video that is going viral, it can be clearly seen how Sandeep Sir is requesting an official on the phone outside the exam centre to allow the candidates to take the exam. In the video, Sandeep Sir is seen saying that Sir, there are 15-20 children, they are two minutes late. Please allow them entry once. He further says that they are just two minutes late and their whole year will be ruined.
huge delay
A delay of two minutes proved costly in the SSC CGL exam. However, according to the rules of the exam, entry into the centre is not allowed after the stipulated time. This incident is a great example of the importance of strict time and following rules in SSC CGL and other exams.
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