Shah Rukh Khan Cried In Front Of Gauri Khan: Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan needs no introduction today. He is one of the richest actors in Bollywood as well as one of the most popular actors. Shahrukh Khan has worked in many great Bollywood films and this journey has continued for 32 years.
Along with Shahrukh Khan, his family also remains in the news. Shahrukh’s wife Gauri Khan is also very popular. She is an interior designer as well as a film producer. Gauri married Shahrukh in the year 1991. But on the very first night of marriage, Shahrukh left his wife in a room full of mosquitoes. When he returned at midnight, he started crying after seeing Gauri. Let us tell you about this incident in detail.
Shahrukh was busy shooting for ‘Dil Aashna Hai’
When Shahrukh Khan married Gauri, it was his initial days in Bollywood. He was struggling then and was busy shooting for the film ‘Dil Aashna Hai’. The producer and director of this film was Hema Malini. Let us tell you that Shahrukh and Gauri got married outside Mumbai.
Shahrukh used to live in a flat in Mumbai in those days. But Shahrukh’s friend had booked a hotel room for him. When Gauri and Shahrukh returned after marriage, Shahrukh thought that he should tell Hema Malini that they have come to Mumbai. He gave this news to Hema. But Hema Malini asked him to come to the set immediately.
Gauri left him in the makeup room
Shahrukh reached the set with his wife Gauri. However, Hema was not present on the set. Hema was waited for a long time but she did not come. Then the actor made his wife sit in the makeup room. It was 11 o’clock at night. But after this Shahrukh Khan returned at 2 o’clock in the night.
Shahrukh started crying in front of his wife
Shahrukh Khan saw that his wife, wearing heavy jewellery and makeup, fell asleep while sitting on an iron chair. Narrating the story of his Suhagrat, Shahrukh said, ‘I felt like crying that day over my decision. It was Gauri’s Suhagrat which was spent waiting in a cheap mosquito-infested room. I woke Gauri up and did not say anything to her. She also did not ask me anything. After this, we quietly took a taxi and came back to the hotel. Those were days of struggle for me but that night played a very big role in my life.’
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