Premanand ji maharaj vachan: Premanand Ji Maharaj is a great saint and thinker who explains and explains the true meaning of life. Premanand ji’s precious thoughts guide to improve life and maintain balance.
Know from Premanand Ji Maharaj, if we get used to lying, what happens, how to change this habit, on this, Sant Maharaj Ji says that many times we are saved from cleaning by lying, but in reality our dirty habit makes us away from truth. When the lie is caught, as the wife stops believing in you, there is mistrust in relationships. That is why when we lie and when we say the truth, our truth will also be considered untrue. That is why if you lie, it should be reduced slowly. If we start speaking the truth, then our conduct will be correct, and life will be correct.
People say that business has to lie, but business is done for profit. Swear is all wrong, it should not be done. When you walk with truth, you will become rich in late, but you will become good rich. That is why do not do unrighteousness, do not lie, do not dishonest.
That is why there should be any relationship, do not lie. If there is no faith in the relationship between husband and wife, then what is the use of life, if your wife does not believe in you, then what is the benefit of your tongue, if no one believes, then give faith, do not cheat anyone.
Premanand Ji Maharaj: Is there an obstacle in the path of fascination and attachment to loved ones? Know Premanand Ji Maharaj’s precious words
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