Saif Ali Khan Attack: Late night of January 15, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by a thief at his house and the actor suffered serious injuries. In this case, the police has arrested a Bangladeshi citizen Shahzad. Amidst all this, the biggest revelation has come today in the case of attack on Saif. Actually, ABP News talked to the father of accused Shehzad. The accused’s father Ruhul Amin Fakir lives in Bangladesh.. and while talking to ABP News, he has made many big revelations which have raised questions on many claims of the police.
Saif’s attacker Shahzad’s father reveals secrets
Shahzad’s father, accused of attacking Saif, made a big claim while talking to ABP News. Ruhul Amin Fakir, father of the accused, said that the suspect seen in the CCTV at Saif’s house is not his son. He said that the person whom the police is showing after the arrest is not his son. Both pictures are different. I am his father, I am saying this only after seeing it carefully.
Both pictures are completely different
The father of accused Shahzad has claimed that the boy in the second picture is different and his hair is completely different. On this he was asked whether his son had got his hair cut? Hearing this he said, I saw the picture, both are different and are not alike at all. Both the pictures are completely different, there is a lot of difference between the two. Accused Shariful’s father further said, you have such a big country. Everyone’s face appears to be similar to someone else’s. I am his father, after seeing it carefully I am saying that both the pictures are different, the first picture is of my son.
The accused’s father denied that he was a wrestler.
Let us tell you that Mumbai Police had claimed that the accused is a wrestling player. That’s why he overpowered Saif. But contrary to the police claim, the father of the accused Shehzad claimed on ABP News that Shehzad has never wrestled. He says that Shahzad rides a bike to earn his living. Shahzad did not wrestle at any level
According to the police, the accused has confessed to the crime
While on one hand questions are being raised on the police based on the claims of the accused’s father, on the other hand, according to information received from police sources, the accused Shariful Islam, who attacked Saif Ali Khan, has confessed to his crime. According to information received from sources, the accused has confessed to attacking Saif Ali Khan during interrogation. In any case, the confession of the accused has great importance. The police got the confession of the accused in this case.
Also read: ‘I picked her up and threw her out’, when Padmini Kolhapure fell into fire during the film shooting, Raza Murad saved her life.