Saif Ali Khan Attack: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife by an unknown person in his house. This incident happened last night when a person entered his house and attacked the actor six times with a knife. An unknown person had entered Saif’s house to steal and during this he clashed with Saif. Currently the actor is admitted in Lilavati Hospital where he is undergoing treatment.
Where was Kareena Kapoor at the time of the attack?
Saif Ali Khan’s family was also present at home during the attack last night. Wife Kareena Kapoor and children Taimur and Jeh are also present at home. They got scared by this accident. Kareena Kapoor did not take Saif to the hospital. Saif’s security guard and driver took the actor to the hospital in an injured condition and Karisma Kapoor also reached there late in the night. Karishma had reached by 4:30.
Saif’s sister and brother-in-law reached the hospital
When Saif Ali Khan was taken for operation, Kareena Kapoor returned home as the children were alone at home. After this, Saif’s sister Soha Ali Khan and her husband Kunal Khemu also reached the hospital.
knife part inserted into spinal cord
Doctor Uttamani, who is treating Saif Ali Khan, said that there are 6 stab wounds on the actor’s body and two deep wounds. One of these is close to the spinal cord. Some part of the knife with which Saif Ali Khan was attacked has entered his spinal cord. However, the actor has escaped being paralyzed. His surgery was very delicate.
The maid was attacked first
The first attack was on the maid of Saif’s house. Saif had come out of his room after hearing the sound of scuffle between the maid and the attacker and during this the attacker attacked him.
Also read: Saif Ali Khan was attacked 6 times, wounds were deep, doctor of Lilavati Hospital told the details