Saif Ali Khan Attack: Saif Ali Khan was attacked by a thief who entered his house in the early hours of Thursday. The actor suffered several serious injuries and also underwent surgery at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. Although the actor is now out of danger but this incident has shocked everyone. The biggest question is how did an attacker attack the house when there were eight people in it?
The truth about the incident that happened in Kareena’s house
Let us tell you that earlier the needle of suspicion of the police was resting on the house help of the house, Eliama Philip. It was being said that the person who entered Saif’s house could be an acquaintance of this house help. The police was carrying forward the investigation with this theory. However, later it was revealed that Saif and Kareena’s staff nurse Eliama Philip had lodged the FIR for the attack on the actor. Ileana Philip has been working at Saif-Kareena’s house for the last four years. Eliama has told the truth of that entire night in his statement. Let us know what important things came to light in the FIR.
- Saif Ali Khan’s youngest son Jahangir (4 years) went to sleep after having dinner at 11 o’clock. After this, all the other employees of the house also went to sleep.
- I suddenly woke up at 2 in the night and saw that the bathroom door was open. At first I thought Kareena must be madam, then a person was seen. He was moving towards Jeh Baba’s bed. Seeing me, the attacker signaled me not to make any noise.
- He had a stick in his left hand and something like a knife in his right hand. I tried to save Jeh Baba. So the person attacked me. I got wounds on both my hands. I asked him what do you want, he asked for one crore rupees.
- Saif sir also came after hearing the show. And then a scuffle started between the man and Saif sir and he attacked him with a knife. By then Kareena ma’am had also arrived.
- After this, somehow everyone managed to escape from the room and closed the door. Hearing the noise, other employees of the house had also woken up.
- After this the attacker ran away from the house.
The accused is away from the police.
Let us tell you that the face of the accused has been seen in CCTV but he is still roaming free. The police is trying hard to arrest him. But no trace of him has been found yet. Meanwhile, the police have also detained a suspect. Although he is not an accused. At present the police is investigating from every angle.
Read this also- Saif Ali Khan Attack: Has the accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan been caught? Police detained a suspect