Saif Ali Khan Attack Case: Police on Sunday arrested the accused Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad in the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The attacker had entered Saif’s house with the intention of stealing, where he had a scuffle with the actor and attacked Saif with a knife six times. The police arrested the attacker and now the police statement has revealed many secrets.
Wrestling player was the attacker
Shariful Islam Shahzad, the accused who attacked Saif Ali Khan, came to India due to unemployment but did not get decent work here either. The accused used to play sports in Bangladesh, he was a wrestling player. Used to wrestle in low weight category. Used to play wrestling in district level and national championship. Being a wrestler, it weighed heavily on Saif Ali Khan’s heavy body.
planning like this
The accused told the police that he had started working in a hotel in Bandra only a few days ago. He used to walk in this area late at night after his shift was over. Similarly, he reached near Saif’s house on the night of the incident. After seeing that there was no guard and CCTV at the back side of the building, he entered Saif’s house.
Through the parking area, he reached near the fire exit and climbed the stairs to the 11th floor. After reaching there, it found a way to enter the duct area and after entering it, it came out directly inside the bathroom of Saif Ali Khan’s house. The accused said that he had gone there with the intention of stealing. When there was chaos in the house, he attacked Saif to protect himself.
Didn’t know Saif
The accused told the police officer that it was only after seeing the news broadcast on television and posts related to the incident on social media that he came to know that he had attacked a Bollywood actor.
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